Zeronac-M Suspension

Zeronac-M oral suspension contains meloxicam for the management of pain, fever (anti-pyretic) and inflammation. Meloxicam is a potent COX-2 selective inhibitor and has less GI irritation. It is also effective in post operative management.  Prophylactic administration is safe and effective method of controlling post-operative pain for 20 hrs in dog undergoing abdominal surgery.


Zeronac-M Suspension

Brand Name: Zeronac-M Suspension

Manufactured/Mktd by: Corise Canine Care / Corise Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.

Dosage form: Oral Suspension


Bottle of 15 ml & 30 ml

Ingredients & Composition:

Each ml of Zeronac-M oral suspension contains

Meloxicam IP (vet)              1.5 mg
Aqueous base                       q.s.

Description / Action: 

Zeronac-M oral suspension contains meloxicam for the management of pain, fever (anti-pyretic) and inflammation. Meloxicam is a potent COX-2 selective inhibitor and has less GI irritation. It is also effective in post operative management.  Prophylactic administration is safe and effective method of controlling post-operative pain for 20 hrs in dog undergoing abdominal surgery.

Class: NSAID

Indication / Uses:

Zeronac-M oral suspension is indicated for

• Pain and inflammation in both acute and chronic Musculoskeletal disorders
• Otitis and dermatitis
• Respiratory tract infections
• Perioperative care
• Postoperative pain management

Dosage and administration:

Dosage of meloxicam is 0.2 mg/kg body weight on first day and 0.1 mg/kg body weight for follow up.

Body weight

Syrup Dosage Day 1

(0.2 mg/kg BW)

Syrup Dosage Day 2

(0.1 mg/kg BW)

4.5 kg0.6 ml0.3 ml
7.5 kg1.0 ml0.5 ml
15 kg2.0 ml1.0 ml
30 kg4.0 ml2.0 ml

Or as directed by the physician/veterinarian.

Overdoses / Side effects / Contraindications /Warnings:

Ask your veterinarian in case of accidental overdosing. Read more here in detailed side effects Metaflam Oral Suspension.

Pharmaceutical precautions / Instructions: 

Store protected from light and moisture below 25°C. Keep out of reach of the children.

Safety: Age / Pregnancy/ Withdrawal:

Age specific restrictions are not mentioned by the product manufacturer. Do not use in pregnant and lactating animals.

Habit forming:  No

Substitute: Metaflam Oral Suspension, Melonex Suspension, Melopet Tablets , Melobest Pet Tablets, Petoxicam Meloxicam Palatable Tablets and Oral Suspension, Melosil Oral Suspension,


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