Pimoben 1.25/2.5 mg & 5/10 mg Tablets
Pimoben 1.25/2.5 mg and 5/10 mg tablets contain pimobendan and benazepril hydrochloride as active ingredients as inotrope and ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitor for the management of congestive heart failure. Management of heart failure has markedly changed over the last few years. Drugs that only prove hemodynamics may actually result in long-term harm. It is observed that controlling the body’s maladaptive neurohormonal response like (RAAS – Renin angiotensin aldosterone system) is of foremost importance in heart failure patients.
Pimoben 1.25/2.5 mg & 5/10 mg Tablets
Brand Name: Pimoben 1.25/2.5 mg & 5/10 mg Tablets
Manufactured by: Vivaldis Animal Health / Vivaldis Health and Foods Pvt. Ltd.
Dosage form: Tablets
A box having 3 Strips of 10 tablets each
Ingredients & Composition:
Active ingredients per palatable tablet of Pimoben 1.25 / 2.5 mg:
Pimobendan 1.25 mg
Benazepril HCl 2.5 mg
Flavoured palatable tablets
Active ingredients per palatable tablet of Pimoben 5 / 10 mg:
Pimobendan 5 mg
Benazepril HCl 10 mg
Flavoured palatable tablets
Description / Action:
Pimoben 1.25/2.5 mg and 5/10 mg tablets contain pimobendan and benazepril hydrochloride as active ingredients as inotrope and ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitor for the management of congestive heart failure. Management of heart failure has markedly changed over the last few years. Drugs that only prove hemodynamics may actually result in long term harm. It is observed that controlling the body’s maladaptive neurohormonal response like (RAAS – Renin angiotensin aldosterone system) is of foremost importance in heart failure patients.
Benazepril acts on activated RAAS and reduces angiotensin II and aldosterone which prevents cardiac remodeling and slows down the progression of CHF (congestive heart failure). Reduction in sodium and water retention reduces fluid build-up and protects kidney health. Pimobendan works as a heart stimulant which moderates vasodilation with the strong vasodilation effect of benazepril it reduces heart workload. Pimobendan increases cardiac muscle contraction which increases cardiac output.
Class: Supplement / Cardiac / Inotrope / ACE Inhibitor
Indication / Uses:
Pimoben 1.25/2.5 mg tablets have Evidence-based Clinical Applications
Fixed-dose combination for the treatment of CHF in the following conditions:
• Arterioventricular Valve Insufficiency
• Dilated cardiomyopathy
It helps in the CHF Treatment with goals–
• To control body’s neurohormonal response
• To reduce fluid build-up
• To increase cardiac output
• To reduce the heart’s workload
Dosage and administration:
Pimoben 1.25/2.5 mg tablets can be given to dogs @
Bodyweight Kg Pimoben tablet 1.25/2.5 mg
2.5 – 5.0 0.5 Morning 0.5 Evening
5 – 10 1.0 Morning 1.0 Evening
10 – 20 2.0 Morning 2.0 Evening
Pimoben 5/10 mg tablets can be given to dogs @
Body weight Kg Pimoben tablet 5/10 mg
10 – 20 0.5 Morning 0.5 Evening
10 – 20 0.5 Morning 0.5 Evening
20 – 40 1.0 Morning 1.0 Evening
Over 40 2.0 Morning 2.0 Evening
Route: Oral administration only, at 12 hours interval. Pimoben Should be given 1 hour prior to food.
Species: Dogs Only
Dogs suffering from CHF or valvular defects may need lifelong medication. Consult your vet.
Over-dosage / Side effects / Contraindications /Warnings:
In the case of overdosing seek the veterinarian’s advice immediately.
Side-effect, contraindications, and warnings for this supplement have not been mentioned by the manufacturer.
Never use without a veterinarian’s advice and proper diagnosis.
Pharmaceutical precautions / Instructions:
Store in a cool and dry place at room temperature. Not for use in humans. Strictly for veterinary use. Keep reach out of the children.
Safety: Age / Pregnancy/ Withdrawal:
Safety for the use in breeding and pregnant animals has not been stated. Age-related instructions have not been mentioned by the manufacturer.
Consult your vet and do not withdraw until advised to avoid complications.
Dogs suffering from CHF may need lifelong therapy or supplementation for better management of the condition.
Substitute: Updating soon
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