Vaquon Tablets

Vaquon Tablets contain atovaquone which is a hydroxynaphthoquinone that acts as a ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10) analogue. It is indicated for the treatment of the canine and feline babesiosis. Atovaquone inhibits mitochondrial electron transport of parasites.


Vaquon Tablets

Atovaquone 250 mg tablets

Atovaquone for Dogs and Cats

Manufactured / Marketed by: Vvaan Lifesciences Pvt Ltd.

Dosage form: Tablets


10 tablets strip in a mono carton

Ingredients & Composition:

Each Uncoated tablet contains:

Atovaquone USP        250 mg
Excipients                   q.s.

Description / Action: 

Vaquon Tablets contain atovaquone which is a hydroxynaphthoquinone that acts as a ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10) analogue. It is indicated for the treatment of the canine and feline babesiosis. Atovaquone inhibits mitochondrial electron transport of parasites.

Class: Antiprotozoal

Indication / Uses:

Tick born disease or Tick fever caused by Babesia gibsoni,
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia,

Dosage and administration:

13.3 mg/kg every 8 hr for 10 days along with 10-11.6 mg/kg/day azithromycin for 10 days.


Dogs and Cats

Over-dosage / Side effects / Contraindications /Warnings:

Do not use in dogs and cats with known hypersensitivity. It may cause GI sings in some susceptible pets.

Pharmaceutical precautions / Instructions: 

Store in a dry, cool and dark place.  For Veterinary use. Not for use in humans.

Safety: Age / Pregnancy/ Withdrawal:

Atovaquone was not teratogenic (not shown toxicity in pregnant rats), however advised to avoid in pregnant animals as it may be excreted in milk.

Substitute: Pooch Atova Tablets, ATAVON Tablet, VETDOX-AQ Tablets & Syrup,


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