Welmectin Tablets

Welmectin tablets contain ivermectin which acts as both ectoparasiticide and endoparasiticide. It is used at the dose rate of 0.2 mg – 0.6 mg per kg body weight. It is indicated for the treatment of generalized demodicosis/Demodectic mange, Sarcoptic mange / Sarcoptic acariasis / Scabies, and Cheyletiellosis. It is also indicated for heartworm prevention and heartworm treatment in dogs.


Welmectin Tablets

Brand Name: Welmectin Tablets

Manufactured by: Welkine Life Care

Dosage form: Tablets

Presentation:  10 Tablets /strip

Ingredients & Composition:

Ivermectin 10 mg


Welmectin tablets contain ivermectin which acts as both ectoparasiticide and endoparasiticide. It is used at the dose rate of 0.2 mg – 0.6 mg per kg body weight. It is indicated for the treatment of generalized demodicosis/Demodectic mange, Sarcoptic mange / Sarcoptic acariasis / Scabies, and Cheyletiellosis. It is also indicated for heartworm prevention and heartworm treatment in dogs.

Class:  Antiparasiticide (Ectoparasiticide and endoparasiticide)

Action: Interacts with GABA and glutamate-gated channels which causes flaccid paralysis

Indication / Uses:

• Generalized demodecosis / Demodectic mange
• Sarcoptic mange / Sarcoptic acariasis / Scabies treatment
• Cheyletiellosis
• Heartworm prevention and heartworm treatment for dogs

Doses and administration:

0.2 to 0.6 mg / kg Bodyweight

For heartworm prevention 0.006 mg/kg per month

Frequency and dose adjustment depends on the severity and type of parasitic infestation

Overdoses / Side effects / Contraindications /Warnings:

Overdose may cause neurotoxicity / Ivermectin toxicity in dogs

Contraindicated in Compromised liver status

Avoid in pups and kitten below 3 months of age


Not commonly seen

Pharmaceutical precautions / Instructions: 

Normal precautions can be followed for storage


Use with caution in very young and senior pets and pets with a history of liver ailments

Habit-forming:  No

Substitute: Palacin Tablets, Neomac Tablets, Neominth Tablets, Corectin Tablets, Silvotin TabletsRapimec Tablets

Also See Vibex Plus Tablets


Que: My dog’s hairs are falling and he is itching a lot. Can I give it him?
Ans. There are numerous causes for hair fall and itchy skin. Please contact or consult your pet. Self-medication may worsen the condition and may cause serious side effects.


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