Vetricare Renal Syrup

Vetricare Renal syrup is a unique palatable non-aluminium and non-calcium containing intestinal phosphate binder and is indicated for use in patients with chronic kidney disease to reduce serum phosphorus. Vetricare Renal contains Lanthanum carbonate which combines with dietary phosphate, producing insoluble, non-absorbable phosphate compounds which are excreted in faeces.


Vetricare Renal Syrup

Lanthanum carbonate for dogs and cats

Brand Name: Vetricare Renal Syrup

Manufactured by: Vetrina Healthcare Pvt Ltd

Doses form: Syrup

Presentation:  100 ml

Ingredients & Composition:

Each 1 ml contains:

Lanthanum Carbonate 150 mg


Lanthanum carbonate-based oral phosphate binder.

Vetricare Renal syrup is a unique palatable non-aluminium and non-calcium containing intestinal phosphate binder and is indicated for use in patients with chronic kidney disease to reduce serum phosphorus.

Vetricare Renal contains Lanthanum carbonate which combines with dietary phosphate, producing insoluble, non-absorbable phosphate compounds which are excreted in faeces.

Class: Therapeutic / Urinary system

Indication / Uses:

• To Lower phosphorus absorption in the small intestine.
• To maintain optimum renal health.

Doses and administration:

Dog & Cat: 1 ml per 5 kg of body weight per day. Mix with food or as suggested by Veterinarian

Overdoses / Side effects / Contraindications /Warnings:

Adverse reactions not reported.

Not advised to introduce the drug for the first time during acute renal failure. The patient must be stabilized first.

Should be given at least one hour before or 3 hours after other medications.

Pharmaceutical precautions / Instructions: 

Store in cool a place. Shake well before use.

Safety: Age / Pregnancy/ Withdrawal:

No restriction for age, safe for pregnant female pets, and no withdrawal side effects

Habit-forming:  No

Substitute: Renalzin, Fosrenol, Pronefra Palatable Oral Suspension, Ipakintine/EpakitinPhosclear Powder



Que. Is it similar to Ipkatine?
Ans: Yes. Ipkatine is also a phosphate binder but does not contain lanthanum carbonate.

Que: Is it available in tablet form?
Ans: Yes. Preparations are available in tablet and powder form under different brand names manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies.

Click Here to Read More About Phosphorus Binders 


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