Xylazin Injection

Xylazin injection contains xylazine hydrochloride which is an alpha-2 receptor antagonist (acts on both central and peripheral receptors). It produces sedation, muscle relaxation and analgesia which is also dose-dependent.


Xylaxin Injection

Xylazine Hydrochloride Injection

Manufactured /Marketed by: Indian Immunologicals Limited (IIL)

Dosage form: Liquid for injection


Available in 2 mL, 10 mL, 20 mL and 30 mL vials

Ingredients & Composition:

Each mL contains:

Xylazine Hydrochloride U.S.P. : 23.32 mg
(Equivalent to 20 mg of xylazine)
Chlorocresol IP (As preservative): 0.1% w/v

Description / Action: 

Xylazin injection contains xylazine hydrochloride which is an alpha-2 receptor antagonist (acts on both central and peripheral receptors). It produces sedation, muscle relaxation and analgesia which is also dose-dependent.

Class: Anaesthetic (alpha-2 receptor antagonist)

Indication / Uses:

Xylaxin injection is recommended for horses, cattle, dog, camel, cat, sheep, goat, wild deer, elephant, tiger and wild animals to produce a state of sedation. It can also be used as a preanaesthetic to general anaesthesia.

It is also recommended to use while conducting various diagnostic, orthopedic minor surgical and clinical procedures of short duration. It may also be used as a pre-anesthetic prior to general anaesthesia. Xylaxin is also of value in restraining animals during transportation, transshipment and immobilization for routine clinical observations.

Dosage and administration:

Species                              Dose Volume                   Route of Administration

Cattle                                 1.5-3 mL                            IM or IV
Dog                                    0.75-1.5 mL                      IM, SC or IV
Cat, Sheep & Goat          0.1-0.5 mL                        IM or IV
Wild Deer                         2.5-4.5 mL                        IM or IV
Elephant & Camel           5-20 mL                            IM or IV
Horses                               25-50 mL                          IM or IV
Tiger                                  2-5 mL                               IM or IV


As directed by the Registered Veterinary Practitioner.
For more appropriate dosage refer BSAVA small animal formulary or Plumb’s Therapeutic Index. Always use lower dosage for intravenous administration.

Precautions/ Warnings:

After administration of Xylaxin the animals should be left undisturbed as excitement can reduce the level of sedation.

Accidental falls and injury are to be avoided during the induction of sedation by keeping the animals under observation. Debilitated animals, animals with depressed respiration, cardiac disease, renal and liver disorder and with any stress condition should be carefully monitored after administration of Xylaxin.


Xylaxin” should not be used in conjunction with tranquilizers or neuroleptic drugs.

Animals in the last term of pregnancy should not be given Xylaxin” as the drug may induce early parturition or abortion.

Cats and dogs with oesophageal obstruction, pulmonary diseases, intestinal torsion or hernia should not be injected with Xylaxin

Side effects:

Xylaxin is well tolerated in most animals without any side effects. A brief rise in blood pressure may occur which gradually becomes normal. Sweating and urination in horses, liquid and soft faeces in cattle, emesis in cats and dogs are some of the side effects. Regurgitation may be seen in some cattle so keep the head raised. The drug is rapidly excreted from the body.


Yohimbine hydrochloride, atipamezole and tolazoline are the available antidotes for Xylazine hydrochloride overdose or accidental administration.

Safety: Age / Pregnancy/ Withdrawal:

Should not be given to animals in the stage of advance pregnancy because it may cause fetal sedation/ abortion or induction of parturition early.

Pharmaceutical precautions / Instructions: 

Store in a cool, dark & dry place. This drug should be administered only by Veterinary Practitioners. Not to be sold by retail without the prescription of a Registered Veterinary Practitioner. Not for human use; for animal treatment only. For the use of Registered Veterinary Practitioners or hospital or laboratory only. For Veterinary Use Only.

Shelf life: 36 months from the date of manufacture. Do not use if any particulate matter is observed.

Substitute: Inj. Xylo B, Inj. Xylamed, Inj. Chanazine, Inj. Rompun, Inj. Sedaxylan, Inj. Virbaxyl, Inj. Xylacare, Inj. Xylapan

(Always check concentrations of formulations before administration)

Note: Dosage are as per the pack insert. Should be used according to bodyweight and dosage must calculated accordingly. This information is for registered veterinary practitioner only.


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