WormPeril Puppy Suspension

WormPeril Puppy Suspension is a broad spectrum dewormer for puppies with a combination of pyrental and febantel. It works on ascarids (roundworms), hook worms and whipworms.



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WormPeril Puppy Suspension

Dewormer for Puppies    

Manufactured / Marketed by: Hester Bioscience Ltd.

Country of Origin: India

Dosage form: Oral Suspension


20 ml bottle with calibrated dropper

Ingredients & Composition:

Each ml contains:
Pyrantel Embonate IP  14.4 mg
Febantel IP                 15.0 mg
Excipients                         q.s

Description / Action: 

WormPeril Puppy Suspension is a broad spectrum dewormer for puppies with a combination of pyrental and febantel. It works on ascarids (roundworms), hook worms and whipworms.

Pyrantel is a well-known anthelmintic agent that works by paralyzing the worms, making it easier for the puppy’s body to expel them through natural processes. It is particularly effective against roundworms and hookworms.

Febantel broaden the action of pyrantel. It is metabolized into fenbendazole, which disrupts the metabolic pathways of the worms, leading to their death. Febantel is effective against whipworms, adding to the comprehensive nature of WormPeril.

Class: Dewormer

Indication / Uses:

For the treatment of roundworm infections in puppies and young dogs up to one year of age caused by:
Ascarids: Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina
Hookworms: Ancylostoma caninum, Uncinaria stenocephala
Whipworm: Trichuris vulpis

Dosage and administration:

For dogs: 1 ml of suspension /kg body weight or as directed by a veterinarian.
Dosing can be done at 15 days interval upto 3 months of age.
The suspension form makes it easy to administer, even to fussy eaters. It can be mixed with food or given directly.


Dogs only.

Over-dosage / Side effects / Contraindications /Warnings:

In some pets it may cause gastrointestinal signs like diarrhoea or vomiting occasionally.

Pharmaceutical precautions / Instructions: 

Store in a dry, cool and dark place.  For Veterinary use. Not for use in humans. Keep out of reach of children. Shake well before each use.

Safety: Age / Pregnancy/ Withdrawal:

Safe for use in young dogs or puppies.

Substitute:  Kiwof Puppy SuspensionEazypet Puppy SuspensionWorm Trap-P Suspension, Wormstop Suspension, Wormhalt Suspension, Drontal Puppy, Wormstop Suspension, Womnil Pet Suspension, Worex Suspension, Bandystar Pup Suspension

Click Here To Read More About Deworming






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