VETDOX-AQ Tablets & Syrup

Vetdox-AQ Tablets & Syrup contain atovaquone. It is a broad-spectrum antiprotozoal drug.  Its mechanism of action is via inhibition of the parasite’s mitochondrial electron transport.


VETDOX-AQ Tablets & Syrup

Atovaquone Tablets and Syrup

Atovaquone for Dogs and Cats

Manufactured/Marketed by: Corise Healthcare / Swiss Biocare AH

Country of Origin: India

Dosage form: Tablets and Syrup


Tablets: 10 Tablets Strip, Box of 10 Strips
Syrup: 100 ml

Ingredients & Composition:

Each Film coated tablet contains
Atovaquone USP 250 mg
Excipients          q.s.
Colour                Red Oxide of Iron

Each ml of Syrup contains
Atovaquone IP   100 mg
(5ml syrup contains atovaquone IP 500 mg)

Description / Action: 

Vetdox-AQ Tablets & Syrup contain atovaquone. It is a broad-spectrum antiprotozoal drug.  Its mechanism of action is via inhibition of the parasite’s mitochondrial electron transport.

It is a powerful antiprotozoal agent. It is also used to treat pneumocystis, Babesia Gibsoni infections in dogs and C. felis, Cytauxzoonosis in cats along with combination of azithromycin.

Class: Anti-Protozoal

Indication / Uses:

• Babesiosis (Babesia gibsoni)
• Pneumocystis

• C. felis
• Cytauxzoonosis

Dosage and administration:

Dosage is 13.3 mg/kg PO q8 h for 10 days
Use dosage strictly as per recommended guideline only.

Overdoses / Side effects / Contraindications /Warnings:

Limited information is available, in case of overdose symptomatic treatment can be instituted.
Can cause hypersensitivity in susceptible animals.

Pharmaceutical precautions / Instructions: 

Store protected from light and moisture at temperature not exceeding 25°C. For veterinary use only. Not for human use.

Keep this medicine out of reach of children.

Safety: Age / Pregnancy/ Withdrawal:

Avoid using in pregnant and outweigh the risk in lactating female dogs though does not poses much risk in nursing puppies.

Substitute: Mepron, Malanil, Wellvone, Pooch Atova Tablets, Vaquon Tablets, ATAVON Tablet,

Malarone (Atovaquone proguanil combination)



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