Flunimeg Flunixin Meglumine Injection

Flunimeg Injection contains Flunixin meglumine which is a potent, nonsteroidal, nonnarcotic, analgesic drug with anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activity.


Flunimeg Injection

Flunixin Meglumine Injection

Manufactured by: Zydus AHL

Dosage form: Liquid for Injection

Presentation:  10 ml, 30 ml vial

Ingredients & Composition:

Each ml contains:
Flunixin Meglumine I.P.     83 mg
Equivalent to Flunixin         50mg
Phenol I.P.                           5 mg
(As preservative)
Excipients                            Q.S.

Description & Mechanism of Action: 

Flunimeg Injection contains Flunixin meglumine which is a potent, nonsteroidal, nonnarcotic, analgesic drug with anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activity.

Flunixin acts via analgesic and anti-inflammatory mechanisms. Analgesic actions may involve blocking pain impulse generation via a peripheral action by inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandins and possibly inhibition of the synthesis or actions of other substances, which sensitize pain receptors to mechanical or chemical stimulation. Flunixin may act peripherally at inflamed tissue, by inhibiting the enzyme cyclooxygenase to decrease the formation of precursors of prostaglandins, and by inhibiting other local mediators of the inflammatory response.

Flunimeg is an Ideal choice for Pain & Inflammation management. Flunixin is four times as potent as phenylbutazone, has higher efficacy than Tolfenamic acid. It is quickly absorbed into blood stream, has high degree of plasma protein binding, readily gets partitioned into body tissues, pain is alleviated in less than 15 minutes, complete analgesic and antipyretic effects usually occur 1-2 hours following treatment and also known to improve ventilation & pulmonary haemodynamics.

Class: NSAID

Indication / Uses:

Cattle, Sheep & Goat: Flunimeg is indicated for control of Pyrexia and Inflammation associated with acute bovine mastitis, Bovine Respiratory Disease & Endotoxemia.

Musculoskeletal disorders, Postoperative pain, to combat intraocular prostaglandin release pre and post ophthalmic surgery & treatment of shock.

Horse: Flunimeg is indicated in Colic, Inflammation & Musculoskeletal disorders

Dogs: Flunimeg is indicated in Inflammation, Pyrexia & Endotoxemia

Pigs: Flunimeg is indicated for control of Pyrexia associated with Swine respiratory disease

Doses and administration:

Cattle: 1.1 to 2.2 mg per kg bodyweight (or 1 ml to 2 ml per 45 kg bodyweight) by slow intravenous either once a day as a single dose or divided into two doses administered at 12 hour intervals for up to 3-5 days.

Horse: 1.1 mg per Kg bodyweight (or 1 ml per 45 kg bodyweight) by slow intravenous or intramuscular injection once daily up to 3-5 days.

Dog: 1 mg per kg body weight by slow intravenous or intramuscular injection

Pig: 2.2 mg per kg body weight by intramuscular injection administered in the neck musculature.

Overdoses / Side effects / Contraindications /Warnings:

There are no known contraindications when used as directed. Do not use in animals with history of hypersensitivity to flunixin meglumine. Intraarterial Injection should be avoided. Use judiciously when renal impairment or gastric ulceration is suspected.

Contraindicated for use in cats.

Pharmaceutical precautions / Instructions: 

Store in a cool and dry place. Not for human use. For animal treatment only.

Safety: Age / Pregnancy/ Withdrawal:

Should be used with caution in pregnant animals. Not recommended in breeding bulls.

Withdrawal period:

Milk: 36 hours

Meat: 4 days

Substitute: Megludyne Injection, Fluxisun Injection, Flunixamie Injection,


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