E6 Topical Lotion

E6 Lotion is an ideal combination of Essential fatty acids (omega 3 & omega 6), Essential oil, Sulphur, Salicylic Acid, Benzoic acid, Curcumin and salicylic acid. E6 Lotions is indicated in dogs for  protection and reinforcement/ repair of defected skin barrier (stratum corneum + hydrolipidic film), bacterial and fungal infections, mange infestations, dry / allergy prone skin, bad odour, ear inflammation management and as an anti-septic.


E6 Lotion

Brand Name: E6 Lotion

Manufactured by: Neo Kumfurt PH

Doses form: Topical Lotion


50 ml Bottle and

125 ml Bottle

Ingredients & Composition:

E6 Lotion is an ideal combination of

Essential fatty acids (omega 3 & omega 6), Essential oil, Sulphur, Salicylic Acid, Benzoic acid, Curcumin, and salicylic acid.

Description / Action: 

Essential fatty acids: E6 lotion supplies Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids which cannot be produced by animals themselves and would have to be added to efficiently restore the hydrolipidic film and support the skin barrier function.

Essential oil – It develops synergies and complement the action of EFA (Essential fatty acids)

Sulphur: It is effective for the treatment if surface-dwelling parasites and dermatophytosis (Ringworm)

Salicylic acid: Keratolytic action of the salicylic acid helps in the desquamation by decreasing skin pH, which subsequently increases water absorption by the keratin in the stratum corneum.

Curcumin- It helps in healing and it possesses anti-inflammatory properties.

Class: Skin lotion / Topical Lotion

Indication / Uses:

E6 Lotions is indicated in dogs for

  • It protects and reinforces / repairs defected skin barrier (stratum corneum + hydrolipidic film)
  • Effective against bacterial and fungal infections
  • Effective against mange infestations
  • Moisturizes, nourishes, soothes, and relieves dry / allergy prone skin
  • Controls bad odor
  • Cleanses and eliminate scales efficiently.
  • Ear inflammation management
  • It has anti-septic properties

Dosage and administration:

Route: For topical application only

Frequency: Apply twice daily on the affected area or as directed by the veterinarian

Species: Approved for topical use in Dogs only

Duration: Can be used for a longer time but in unresponsive cases consult your veterinarian. Systemic drugs for the treatment of the concurrent issue or further diagnostic tests may be needed.

Over-dosage / Side effects / Contraindications /Warnings:

Overdose with a topical application has no significance.

Adverse reactions/side effects have not been reported for the product either stated by the manufacturer.

Avoid contact with eyes and licking until the applied film of the product gets absorbed.

Pharmaceutical precautions / Instructions: 

Store in a cool and dry place at room temperature. Not for use in humans.

Safety: Age / Pregnancy/ Withdrawal:

Safety for the use in breeding and pregnant animals has not been stated. Age-related instructions have not been mentioned by the manufacturer.

Always follow the recommendations. Withdrawal without consulting may result in the relapsing of the issue or disease being treated. Other medications may be needed according to the severity of the problem and condition of your pet.

Habit forming:  No

Substitute: Actea Dermo Spray Lotion,  Comfoderm Spray, E6 Topical Spray,


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