Canvac DHPPiL + R

Canvac DHPPiL + R is an attenuated and inactivated mixed vaccine for an active prophylactic immunization of dogs. Reconstituted vaccine contains 3 inactivated serovars of leptospirosis (L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. grippotyphosa and L. sejroe); attenuated viruses against canine parainfluenza, distemper, infectious hepatitis and infectious laryngotracheitis, parvovirosis and rabies.

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Canvac DHPPiL + R

Brand Name: Canvac DHPPiL + R

Manufactured by: Dyntec Spol S.R.O.

Dosage form: Injection


3 x 1 dose, 6 X 1 Dose, 30× 1 dose, 60 x 1 dose – Box

(Each dose is a combination of one vial with lyophilized DHPPiL part and one vial with liquid part Rabies as solvent)

All pack sizes may not be marketed.

Ingredients & Composition:

Per dose of Canvac DHPPiL + R vaccine lyophilized part contains:

Virus febris contagiosae canis attenuated 102.7 – 104.5 EID50,
Infectious laryngotracheitis Virus attenuated 103.5 – 107.5 CCID50,
Parvovirus strain attenuated 102.1 – 103.6 HAU.
Parainfluenza virus attenuated 103.0 106.0 CCID50.

Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae inactivated q. s. at an amount, which induces a serological response in experimental animals at titer of Not Less Than 1:32 of specific antibodies,

Leptospira grippotyphosa inactivated q. s. at an amount, which induces a serological response in experimental animals at titer of Not Less Than 1:32 of specific antibodies,

Leptospira sejroe inactivated q. s. at an amount, which induces a serological response in experimental animals at titer of Not Less Than 1:32 of specific antibodies.

(EID50 – 50% infectious dose for chicken embryos.

CCID50 – 50% infectious dose for cell cultures.

HAU – hemagglutination units. HAU – hemagglutination units, i.e. according to the European pharmacopoeia requirements it is the antigen amount after inactivation, inducing level of hemagglutination-inhibitor antibodies in guinea-pigs serums)

Liquid part as solvent contains:

Rabies virus inactivated NLT 2 IU

Adjuvant: aluminium hydroxide gel 1.4 – 6.5 mg

Excipient: thiomersal NMT 0.1 mg.

Lyophilized part DHPPiL is pinkish or yellowish porous compact or fragmented substance. Liquid part R is white or pink liquid with a sediment easy to remove by shaking.

Description / Action: 

Canvac DHPPiL + R is an attenuated and inactivated mixed vaccine for an active prophylactic immunization of dogs. Reconstituted vaccine contains 3 inactivated serovars of leptospirosis (L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. grippotyphosa and L. sejroe); attenuated viruses against canine parainfluenza, distemper, infectious hepatitis and infectious laryngotracheitis, parvovirosis and rabies.

The Canvac vaccines contain serovars represented in the central European region. These are: L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. grippotyphosa and L. sejroe. L. canicola does not occur in the territory of the Czech Republic or neighbouring states. From 200 examined sera of unvaccinated dogs in the territory of the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic were 38 % serologically positive. Antibodies against L. icterohaemorrhagiae were determined in all positive ones, L. grippotyphosa in 6 % and L. sejroe in 3 %. In one case were determined antibodies against L. bratislava.

Class: Biologicals / Dog Vaccine

Indication / Uses:

Canvac DHPPiL + R is indicated for Active immunisation of healthy puppies / dogs against

  • Canine parvovirus infection
  • Infectious laryngotracheitis
  • Infectious canine hepatitis (ICH)
  • Parainfluenza virus
  • Canine Distemper virus
  • Rabies

Dosage and administration:

The immunization dose is 1 ml, irrespective of age, sex and weight. Subcutaneous route of administration is recommended and best of all into an area behind the scapula.

Vaccination Programme:

First vaccination can be done at the age of 3 months. Second dose should be administered 3 weeks after the first vaccination. To minimize undesirable impact of colostral immunity a third dose of the vaccine 3 weeks after second vaccination is recommended.


Regular annual revaccination is advisable to maintain the persistent immunity.

Onset and duration of immunity: Sufficient immunity develops over 2 to 3 weeks after the primary vaccination and persists for at least 1 year.

Overdoses / Side effects / Contraindications /Warnings:

Do not use Canvac DHPPiL + R vaccine acute infectious disease, organ disease or feverish disease. Don’t use in known history of an unfavourable post vaccination reaction or allergy at former vaccinations and after stress imposed on animals (transportation, high environmental temperatures). Do not use in pregnant female dogs in a advance / high level of pregnancy and just after whelping.

This combination vaccine is forbidden to vaccinate animals ill with rabies or animals, which have been in contact with or hurt by animals suffering from rabies. Animals, which injured the man, may be vaccinated only after the period of observation has elapsed.

Pharmaceutical precautions / Instructions: 

The vaccine must be between 2 °C and 8 °C. Do not freeze.  For animals only. Veterinary medicinal product to be supplied only on veterinary prescription.

Safety: Age / Pregnancy/ Withdrawal:

Not recommended for use in advance pregnancy and just after parturition. Safe for use in healthy puppies or dogs from 3 months of age.

Habit forming: No.

Substitute: Nobivac DHPPi +RL

Recommended Vaccination Schemes of Canvac

6 weeksCanvac Junior, Canvac P-InCanvac Junior, Canvac P-In
8 weeksCanvac DHP, Canvac DHPPiCanvac DHP, Canvac DHPPiCanvac DHP, Canvac DHPPi
10 weeksCanvac DHPL, Canvac 8 DHPPiLCanvac DHPLCanvac 8 DHPPiLCanvac DHPLCanvac 8 DHPPiL
12 weeksCanvac DHPLCanvac 8 DHPPiLCanvac DHPPiL+RCanvac DHPPiL+R
14 weeksCanvac R
Annual RevaccinationCanvac 8 DHPPiL, Canvac RCanvac DHPPiL+RCanvac DHPPiL+R


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