Interban F Cream

Interban F cream has mupirocin 2.0% w/w and Fluticasone 0.005% w/w in a Cream base. It has antimicrobial property and its unique structure is different from any other class of antibiotics.  Mupirocin inhibits the growth and is effective against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Fluticasone is a steroid that is helpful in the management of inflammation. Fluticasone is safer than systemic steroids. Interban (mupirocin) cream is indicated in Superficial Pyoderma with recurrent infections, Primary Bacterial infections, Secondary bacterial infections, Susceptible mix infections, Unhealing Wounds, atopic dermatitis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, Safe and effective in lick dermatitis, lick granuloma and pododermatitis and Infected Traumatic Skin Lesions.

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Interban F Cream

Brand Name: Interban F Cream

Manufactured by: Corise Canine Care / Corise Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.

Dosage form: Cream


10 gm Tube

Ingredients & Composition:

Each 10 gm Interban F tube contains

Mupirocin IP             2.0% w/w

Fluticasone Propionate IP   0.005% w/w

Cream base                q.s.

Description / Action: 

Interban F cream has mupirocin 2.0% w/w and Fluticasone propionate 0.005% w/w in a Cream base. It is a corticosteroid antibacterial cream containing Fluticasone Propionate. Fluticasone propionate is a glucocorticoid with high topical anti-inflammatory potency but low HPA axis suppressive activity after dermal administration. It has antimicrobial property and its unique structure is different from any other class of antibiotics. Mupicin works by blocking protein synthesis in bacteria by inhibiting enzymes helping in RNA synthesis (isoleucyl transfer-RNA synthetase).   It, therefore, has a therapeutic index that is greater than most of the commonly used topical preparation. It has a low MIC value against sensitive skin pathogens. Mupirocin inhibits the growth and is effective against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It interrupts the growth of S. intermedius. Fluticasone is a steroid that is helpful in the management of inflammation. Fluticasone is safer than the systemic steroids.

Class: Antibiotic / Antimicrobial + Anti – inflammatory

Indication / Uses:

Interban F (mupirocin-fluticasone) cream is indicated in

• Superficial Pyoderma and recurrent infections
• Primary Bacterial infections
• Effective and safe treatment of Secondary bacterial skin infections
• Safe and effective in lick dermatitis and pododermatitis
• Effective in lick granuloma and insect bite reactions
• Effective in atopic dermatitis (including infantile atopic dermatitis) seborrhoeic dermatitis
• Infected Traumatic Skin Lesions.


Apply a thin film of interban F cream to cover the affected areas twice daily or suggested by veterinarians.

Dosage and administration:

For dermatological use in pets only.

Prior to application lesion should be cleansed properly.

Apply a sufficient amount of mupirocin fluticasone cream to completely cover the affected area.

The maximum duration of the treatment has not been defined. But Fluticasone can be used for one week safely.

Overdoses / Side effects / Contraindications /Warnings:

An overdose of mupirocin cream is unlikely to occur and if this happens seek for veterinarian’s advice. Do not use beyond 30 days. Interban F cream is not meant for the ophthalmic purposes. No reported adverse reactions have been stated by the manufacturer. In the case of skin reaction or adverse reaction, discontinue the treatment and consult the veterinarian.

Pharmaceutical precautions / Instructions: 

Store in a cool and dry place. Protect from heat and direct sunlight. Do not freeze.

Strictly for veterinary use/animal treatment.

Safety: Age / Pregnancy/ Withdrawal:

Safety for the use in breeding/ pregnant animals have not been mentioned by the manufacturer.

Always follow the recommendations. It has no reported withdrawal side effects.

Habit forming:  No

Substitute: Staphban F Ointment, Isomune-F Lotion, Bactroban


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