GOclin Clindamycin Tablets

GOclin Tablets contain clindamycin which is a lincomycin antimicrobial and inhibits bacterial protein synthesis at the ribosomal (50s sub-unit) level.

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GOclin Clindamycin Tablets

GOclin 150, 300 mg Tablets

Clindamycin Hydrochloride for Dogs Cats

Manufactured / Mktd by: Veko Care Pvt. Ltd.

Dosage form: Tablet


Blister pack of 1X6 Tablets in a monocarton.

Ingredients & Composition:

Each Tablet contains:
Clindamycin hydrochloride 150 mg / 300 mg
Protein Flavoured & extremely Palatable!
Masking of Bitter taste with grade 1 protein meat flavour

Description / Action: 

GOclin Tablets contain clindamycin which is a lincomycin antimicrobial and inhibits bacterial protein synthesis at the ribosomal (50s sub-unit) level.

Clindamycin has excellent antimicrobial activity even in biofilm. It concentrates in leukocytes, quickly reaching the infection site to treat intracellular pathogens. It also penetrates biofilms found in both dental and bone infections. Widely distributed in body fluids & including bones tissues.

Excellent yummy scored tab.

Start showing effects within 1 to 2 hours (Peak serum concentration is achieved in 1 hr post dosing).

90% of clindamycin is rapidly absorbed in gastrointestinal tract of dogs & cats.

When infections complicate, you need clean protocol.  Antimicrobial cover with GO CLEAN Approach.

Class: Antibiotics/ Lincomycin

Indication / Uses:

Clindamycin is indicated in case of
• Infected Wounds,
• Abscesses,
• Dental infections,
• Superficial pyoderma
• Osteomyelitis caused by Staphylococcs aureus and
• Clinical Toxoplasmosis
• Oral cavity/dental infections caused by or associated with clindamycin -sensitive Staphylococci, Streptococci, Bacteriodaceae, Fusobacterium necrophorum, Clostridim perfringes
• Can also be used to help provide antimicrobial cover during dental procedures

Dosage and administration / Directions for use:

Canine Infected Wounds, Skin Infection, Abscesses and Dental Infections

Oral: 2.5 mg/lb body weight every 12 hours, or  11 mg/Kg B.wt OD for 7-10 Days or 5.5mg/Kg B.wt BID for 7-10 days

Duration: Treatment is recommended for a minimum of 28 days or As directed by veterinarian.

Canine Osteomyelitis

Oral: 5.0 mg/lb body weight every 12 hours or 11 mg/Kg B.wt BID for 28 days

Duration: Treatment is recommended for a minimum of 28 days or advised by veterinarian.


Skin Infection, Deep wound, Abscess & dental infection:

11 mg/Kg B.wt. OD for 7-10 days or 5.5mg/Kg B.wt BID for 7-10 days.

Or as directed by the Veterinarian

Over-dosage / Side effects / Contraindications /Warnings:

GI sings like vomiting and diarrhoea are commonly reported side effects. Dosing in cats should be done with small water or food bolus. Use with caution in animals with history of hepatic or renal impairment.

Safety / Pregnancy / Age:

No information is available.

Pharmaceutical precautions / Instructions: 

Not for human use. For Animal Treatment Only. For External Application Only. Store below 25°C in an upright position, protect from light. Keep Out of Reach of Children & Pets, Away from Food.

Substitute: Clivet Tablets, Petclind Tablets, Clindapet Tablets, Bioclan Tablets, Clintabs Tablets, Vetclin Tablets Injection and Oral solution,


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