Areio Lac NX Powder

Areio Lac NX contains high spec multivitamin, minerals, amino acids and omega 3, 6 to support healthy immune system. Dietary DHA ensures optimal neural & vision development in puppies in utero and post-partum.

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Areio Lac NX Powder

Whelping and Weaning Diet for Dogs

Manufactured / Marketed by: Areion Vet

Dosage form: Powder

Presentation:  500 gm HDPE Jar

Ingredients & Composition:

Per Serving 1 Scoop (20g)
NITRITIONAL FACTS     20mg         100mg
Protein                                 15%           15%
Total Fats                             45%           45%
Carbohydrate                       34%           34%
Fibre                                     2.5%          2.5%
Ash                                       2%             2%
Total Energy                        120.2Kcal         801Kcal
VITAMINS                          20mg         100mg
Vitamin C                            312mg         1560mg
Vitamin B1                          0.426mg    2.13mg
Vitamin A (Retinol)             1219.2IU   6096IU
Vitamin B5                          0.276mg    1.38mg
Vitamin K                            0.276mg    1.38mg
Vitamin B2                          0.26mg      1.3mg
Nicontinic Acid                   0.18mg      0.9mg
Nicotinamide                       0.16mg      0.8mg
Vitamin E                            6.72mcg         33.6mcg
Folate (Folic Acid)              3.93mcg         19.65mcg
Vitamin B7                          1.56mcg    7.8mcg
Vitamin B6                          0.23mcg         1.15mcg
Vitamin D                            7.17IU         35.85IU
Vitamin B12                        312.8mcg         1564mcg
AMINO ACIDS                   20mg         100mg
Glutamic Acid                     434.8mg         2174mg
L-Leucine                             165.86mg         829.3mg
L-Arginine                                    141.4mg         707mg
L-Valine                               120.65mg         603.25mg
L-Lysine                               119.5mg         597.5mg
Glycine                                94.43mg         472.15mg
L-Alanine                             92.06mg         460.3mg
L-Isoleucine                         90.25mg         451.25mg
L-Threonone                        70.98mg         354.9mg
L-Tyrosine                                    66.19mg         330.97mg
L-Cysteine                           64.19mg          330.95mg
L-Histidine HCL                  49.07mg         245.35mg
L-Tryptophan                       36.14mg         180.7mg
Methionine                           34.56mg         172.8mg
Choline                                7.68mg      38.4mg
MINERALS                         20mg         100mg
Phosphorus                          80.99mg         404.95mg
Calcium                                28.55mg         142.75mg
Pottassium (Potassium Chloride) 26.52mg         132.6mg
Magnesium (Magnesium Sulphate) 17.95mg          89.75mg
Iron (Ferrous Fumerate)      4.71mg         23.55mg
Manganese (Manganese Sulphate)        3.7mg         18.5mg
Zinc (Zinc Sulphate)            1.664mg    8.32mg
Copper (Cupric Sulphate)    1.625mg         8.125mg
Chromium (Chromium Chloride) 0.064mg         0.32 mg
Iodine (Potassium Iodide)            0.0074mg         0.037g
Selenium (Selenium Selenite)      3.996mcg         19.98mcg
FATTY ACIDS                             20mg         100mg
Omega 3                                        261.6mg         1308mg
Omega 6                                        345.1mg         1725.5mg
Colostrum                                     20mg         100mg
Nucleotide Monophosphate          1.6mg         8mg
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)   200mg         1000mg
Oat Meal Powder                          100mg         500mg
Chia Seeds                                    100mg         500mg
Fish Oil                                         100mg         500mg
Flaxseed Oil                                  100mg         500mg
PROBIOTICS                              20mg         100mg
Sacchromyces Cerevisiae             20mg         100mg
1X10^9 CFU per gram
Other ingredients
Milk Solids, Soya Flour, Medium Chain Triglycerides Fat, High Oleic Sunflower Fat, Egg Powder, Permitted Flavours (Meat) & Preservatives added.


Areio Lac NX contains high spec multivitamin, minerals, amino acids and omega 3, 6 to support healthy immune system. Dietary DHA ensures optimal neural & vision development in puppies in utero and post-partum.

The inadequacies of a diet may not be severe enough to stop a female from reproducing. However, it could prevent optimal genetic performance from body stores to meet the nutritional of offspring.

Deficiencies in material nutrition leads to adult disorders in progeny and optimizing nutrition in the reproducing canine. Poor nutrition may lead to foetal death, foetal malfunction and underweight puppies. Dams that are underweight at parturition may experience poor lactation performance and inability to maintain body condition.

On the other hand, obesity has an equally negative effect on pregnancy outcome. Stillbirths or dystocia (abnormal or difficult labour) and caesarean sections occur more frequently in obese dams than in dams at ideal body condition.

Pre-conception – Survive to maturity

The breeding female should be maintained at her optimal weight and condition. About two to three weeks prior to coming into heat, the quality of the food should be increased slightly. More concentrated food is important as her body responds to this enhanced nutrition with an increase in hormone production resulting in a maximum number of healthy and fertilized eggs. This signals her body that time are good and excellent to reproduce. This is also why underweight females or malnourished females often fail to conceive, especially when all other indications prove her to be normal.

Pregnancy – Best diet to fuel the puppies’ growth

The first step is to diagnose pregnancy. A pregnant dog has specific dietary requirement to be safe and healthy as she is now feeding growing puppies. Key indicators of optimal reproduction are ease of conception, reduces rate of foetal and neonatal death, normal parturition, maximum litter size, adequate lactation and an optimal rate of growth of healthy puppies. Gestation usually lasts an average of 63 days, although puppies may be born alive upto seven days either side of this. One of the earliest indicators of successful breeding and conception is a steady gain in body weight, assuming the diet or amount of food per day has not changed.

Nutritional support – Vitamins & minerals nutrient

A pregnant dog needs enough vitamins and mineral nutrient to maintain the puppies’ development as well as her own health and quality of life. Food intake normally fluctuates slightly throughout gestation. Firstly, reduced food intake occurs approximately 2 weeks after mating and is occur in association with feotal implantation at about day 15 post conception. Food intake increases and then peaks between six to seven weeks of pregnancy. Secondly decline in food intake occurs during the last week of pregnancy prior to birth of puppies.

Special Nutrient – For Pregnancy & Lactation

Dietary supplements are needed only when the diet fails to supply optimal levels of a nutrient. If a breeder is feeding a diet that requires eleborate supplementation, it is advisable to seek high quality foods that meet the nutritional needs of the pregnant or lactating female. Supplementation should be served only to enhance the diet, rather than replace foods that are not supplying adequate nourishment.

Lactation is the most energy- demanding stage of a dog’s life. Peak milk production occurs at three to four weeks of lactation and peak energy demand should occur concurrently. Puppies begin eating the dam’s food in increasing amounts from three weeks of age until weaning.

High mortality rate in puppies – The Common Factors

There are not just one but several factors responsible for mortality of live born puppies in the first 2 weeks of life, commonly known as fading puppy syndrome.

Hypothermia (controllable)

Lack of adequate care from mother (controllable)

Congenital defect (un-controllable)

Low birth weight (controllable)

Infection and disease (controllable to some extent)


After birth the majority of the poppies’ immune system is gained through the colostrum/first milk. If the puppy is unable to nurse sufficiently of this milk, they may be more susceptible to infection

Class: Gut Support/ Weaning Formula

Indication / Uses:





Areio Lac NX is very gentle on the digestive system, can boost conditions and optimise health and vitality.

Puppies can use it from 3 weeks to 9 months of age.

Whereas, mother can use it during pregnancy and after birth to maintain and regain conditions.

It is gluten and wheat free, contains no buffers or fillers just full of natural goodness.

Doses and administration:

Feeding per day Breed Size
Adults       4 Scoops
Small         1 Scoop
Medium     2 Scoops
Large         3 Scoops
or as directed by veterinarian

Mix in lukewarm water in 3:1 ratio and stir to make smooth paste.

Overdoses / Side effects / Contraindications /Warnings:

No information available.

Pharmaceutical precautions / Instructions: 

Store protected from light & moisture at a temperature not exceeding 30° C. Should be consumed within 3 weeks of opening. Prepare fresh each time. Keep away from children. Veterinary use only. For treatment of animals only. Not for human use.

Safety: Age / Pregnancy/ Withdrawal:

Suitable for use in dogs and puppies of all life stages and breeds.

Substitute:Recovery Diet, Samolac PowderPuppy CerelacHome Food PlusPappylait Powder, Weanolac Puppy & Kitten Cereal Food, Vetina Puppy & Kitten Milk, Tomilac Powder, Sensium Powder, Vetina Puppy & Kitten Milk, Neolac Powder

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