Taktic Amitraz

Taktic 5% EC solution contains amitraz 5 % w/v a broad spectrum ectoparasiticide. It is indicated for the topical treatment of Demodectic & Sarcoptic Mange, ticks & lice in dogs.

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Taktic Amitraz

Manufactured by: MSD / Intervet

Doses form: Tablets


Glass bottle of 25 ml

(With plastic measuring cup)

Ingredients & Composition:

Each ml contains:

Amitraz I.P.        50 mg

Description / Action: 

Taktic 5% EC solution contains amitraz 5 % w/v a broad spectrum ectoparasiticide. It is indicated for the topical treatment of Demodectic & Sarcoptic Mange, ticks & lice in dogs.

Class: Ectoparasiticide

Indication / Uses / Benefits:

  • Demodectic & Sarcoptic Mange,
  • Ticks &
  • Lice

Dosage and administration:

Mixing Rate/lit of water:

Ticks & lice – 6 ml

Mites – 10 ml

3-5 applications for mange and 2 applications for ticks & lice at weekly intervals. Taktic to be used as dip or spray.

Prepare only required quantity of wash for each application.

Pharmaceutical precautions / Instructions / Contraindications: 

Keep out of the reach of animals and children. In case of accidental overdosage / ingestion or poisoning immediately contact your veterinarian / physician.
For animal use only. For topical use in dogs only. Do not use in cats, Chihuahua dogs, horses and diabetic animals.

Don’t use in dogs suffering from heat stress.

Do not allow to lick until it gets dry. Sedation and bradycardia are most common adverse reactions seen.

Safety: Age / Pregnancy/ Withdrawal:

Not recommended for use in dogs less than 3 months of age or less than 2 kg body weight.

Substitute: Ridd Amitraz SolutionAmitick Solution

Taktic is also available in 12.5% concentration and pack of 25 ml, 250 ml, 1 Liter and 5 lit pack. Dilution varies with concentration and use.


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