Liv O Pet Syrup

Liv-O-Pet Syrup is a herbal liver supportive with lecithin. It is liver and appetite stimulant for dogs and cats.


Liv O Pet Syrup

Manufactured / Mktd by: Neo Kumfurt PH / Kaizen

Dosage form: Syrup


200 ml

Ingredients & Composition:

Lecithin and

Distillation process extract of :

Bringaraja, Amalaki, Kakamachi, Himsra, Arjuna, Kasani, Biranjasipha, Kasamarda, Jhavuka, Guduchi, Punarnava, Mulaka, Chitraka, Vidanga, Haritaki & Parpata.

Lecithin :

Lecithin is a lipid which prevents fats from getting accumulated in the liver. Lecithin is an important source of the nutrient choline. Choline plays a vital role in liver function.

Description / Action: 

Liv-O-Pet Syrup is a herbal liver supportive with lecithin. It is liver and appetite stimulant for dogs and cats.

Class: Supplement (Liver)

Indication / Uses:

• Hepato-protective
• Liver Stimulant
• Appetite stimulant
• Growth
• Skin care – For rich hair coat and healthy skin
• Anorexia and debility
• Liver disorder / Fatty liver
• Along with antibiotic therapy
• Post operative care
• Drug induced toxicity

Dosage and administration / Directions for use:

Upto 5 kg B. Wt.                   ½ teaspoon, 2 times daily.
Upto 5-15 kg B. Wt.             1 teaspoon, 2 times daily
Upto 15-25 kg B. Wt.           1.5 teaspoon, 2 times daily
Upto 25-50 kg B. Wt.           2 teaspoon, 2 times daily
Above 50 kg B. Wt.              2-3 teaspoon, 2 times daily
Or as directed by the veterinarian. Refer product label for more information.

Over-dosage / Side effects / Contraindications /Warnings:

No information available.

Safety / Pregnancy / Age:

Safely can be used for all breeds of dogs. Suitable for use in all physiological stages and all ages.

Pharmaceutical precautions / Instructions: 

Not for human use. Keep reaching out of children. Normal storage in a cool; dry and dark place below 25°C.  Shake well before use.

Substitute: Diarest-Liv Syrup, Unomarin Syrup / LiquidDiarest-Liv Syrup, Et-Liv Forte Syrup, Livocare Ultra-Vet DS Syrup, Et-Liv Forte Syrup, Ventriliv – Pet Syrup, HestaLiv Syrup, REVELL Syrup, Amlycure D.S. Pet Liquid,


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