Welcome to The Veterinary Medicine
The Veterinary Medicine website i.e. https://theveterinarymedicine.com is dedicated to all Veterinary Students/ Graduates / Scholars / Pet Parents and animal lovers. Here we are trying to provide information on every possible topic like pet care, diseases, treatment, management, veterinary preparations or medicines commonly being used for those who are looking for authorized information. We discourage and strictly prohibit self-medication of pets.
What we provide
Here on this platform i.e. on https://theveterinarymedicine.com we are providing relevant information on the drugs being used in the treatment of animals, commercial preparations, their compositions, substitute, indications, possible side effects, contraindications or safety. We provide quality content on various diseases, treatment and limited paid consultation / second opinion services to our visitors, which is reviewed by experts or experienced vets.
You can compare products/ wish list them for future reference. Currently we are not selling any physical product online. We do not promote selling of prescription medicines online. Our affiliate links are an effort to generate some revenue to bear cost of domain, server and developers. Our aim is to help you simplify the career, treatment, care and create a milestone in the service of animals. We also do paid promotions and product reviews. Please drop an email or contact us for queries and sponsorships.


Calcium supplements

Liver Supplements

Pain killers

Multivitamin supplements

Other Health Tonics

Normal soaps & shampoos

Dog Vaccines

Preformed Immunoglobulins

Medicated soaps & shampoos

Cat Vaccines

Miscellaneous products
We love to grow together !
We Believe
We believe that everyone may not be aware of the latest things going around the web but our efforts are to make you more efficient and keep you up to date with it. We are trying our best to help you in every aspect or services we are providing here. No life or pawsome angel should suffer due to overdosing of medicines by accident or malpractice by quacks. This website or information must not be used as a substitute of medical / veterinary experts advice.
Who we are
We are a team of friends who are from veterinary medicine background. We are graduated / post graduated/ certified in respective streams with experience of teaching, diagnosis and treatment along with consultations. We are driven by passion and competence, and confident of making visible contribution to the social growth and animal welfare. Read conditions associated with this website, our disclaimer and privacy-policy if you want to know more or use this platform.
Want to support us?
We are promoting some amazon affiliate products. You can consider the same for purchase like Aptiquik, Nurokind Pet, Zipvit, Hepamust, Multistar Syrup or Synopet powder etc. or can shop other items of your need whatever it is. Just go through our link or click on the Amazon display link below. It won’t cost you extra penny but can help us buying a cup of coffee while we are working on next post. We already have paid developer cost, hosting charges and other expenses like domain renewal fee etc.
We also do paid promotions. Contact us at info@theveterinarymedicine.com